Sea Kayaking Incidents and Accidents
Incident Article
An article about Sea Kayaking Incidents 1992 – 2005 by Iona Bailey is available from the WMS website.
WEM Journal article
NOTE: References 7, 10 and 11 do not exist.
This link should be used for the incident severity scale – Severity Scale
Incident Database
As with any accidents, only by publicizing the event and analysing what happened, can lessons be learned.
The KASK Incidents 1974-2016 170421 is here for kayakers to read and hopefully learn from it.
Note the 6 digit number. This is the edit number for tracking edits and corrections. Year, month, day.
KASK's aims are to:
1. Promote and encourage the sport of sea kayaking2. Promote safety standards
3. Develop techniques and equipment
4. Deal with issues of coastal access and protection
5. Organise sea kayak forums around the country
6. Publish the Sea Canoeist Newsletter and the KASK Handbook