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Training Providers


(alphabetical listing)

Annual Free Training Weekend at Okains Bay

Clubs & Networks

Commercial Trainers

Paddling for the Disabled

Sea Kayak Training and Proficiency Information

Clubs and Networks

Check out the links for Clubs and Networks as they frequently offer a good route to get information on Equipment, Regional Training, Safety, Contacts and Trips.

Commercial Trainers

Canoe & Kayak Sea Kayak Skills Course ~ Auckland

Fergs Kayaks ~ Auckland & Wellington

Note: Many commercial operators offer basic sea kayaking skills courses.

Sea Kayak Training and Proficiency Information

This is information for recreational sea kayakers and gives a guide to the levels that they can aspire to. It is also a guide for clubs and networks when offering training and leadership to their members.

KASK Training Proficiency Information (PDF 114KB)

BCU 1-5 star tests. (PDF 268 KB) The requirements of the British BCU system. Those aspiring to a high level of competency might want to read this. The first 3 Stars are “closed deck” kayaks and the 4 & 5 Star are specifically for sea kayaks (or canoes as they often state).

Note that a lot (most) of the theory questions are British specific. 1-3 are river orientated and unlike NZ, a lot of rivers you are not allowed to paddle on. They also mix up the terms canoeing and kayaking.

Go to Resources for training providers.

Annual Free Training Weekend ~ Okains Bay

Each year, Canterbury Sea Kayak Network runs a FREE training weekend at Okains Bay. This is usually held late January or early February and anyone is welcome to attend.

See the Events page for dates or the Canterbury Sea Kayak Network’s website.

Training includes rescues, surfing and efficient paddling plus other items.

Contact Sandy Ferguson for more information.

Paddling for Disabled

It’s possible that disability affects most people in New Zealand, whether it’s you, someone in your family or someone you know. Adaptations which remove the barriers to paddling make it possible to start or continue with sea kayaking. You might have to find a different way to get in the boat or get to the water but once you are get there, you’ll be able to access areas where the wheelchair can’t go.

Read the full article here…