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Bits & Pieces by Sandy Winterton

A Blog by Sandy Winterton, based in New Zealand. Random musing, photos and drivel on kayakkery, travel and general boatiness (Sandy’s own words). Some of the articles were first published in the ‘New Zealand Sea Canoeist’ magazine.

Sandy Winterton’s blog site

Paddle-leashes DOCX

An investigation into how wind affects kayaking speed – Winds-of-change PDF

Lightweight rescue line. This lightweight rescue line is so small it lives in your PFD and you always have it with you. Lightweight-rescue-line PDF

KASK's aims are to:

1. Promote and encourage the sport of sea kayaking
2. Promote safety standards
3. Develop techniques and equipment
4. Deal with issues of coastal access and protection
5. Organise sea kayak forums around the country
6. Publish the Sea Canoeist Newsletter and the KASK Handbook