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Paddling Technique

Efficient paddling is discussed by Sandy Winterton in the Courting Speed (PDF 100 KB).

Paddle Length – things to consider, a few more myths exposed.

On the Wing (PDF) discusses the Wing paddle, development and how to use it.

Greenland vs Euro Paddles, why you might consider looking at using a Greenland Paddle. The GP is a traditional type of Wing paddle.

A couple of discussions on the use and user trial –

Greenland Paddles – fad or future

California Kayaker Magazine – Winter 2010

The Feathered Paddle

Feathering’s main reason is always quoted as lower wind resistance. Agreed, edge on to a wind it obviously has less resistance. However how much of your paddling is done directly into the wind? How much paddling with the wind less than about 10 degrees either side of directly ahead?

A beam wind, especially if strong and gusting can make a feathered paddle a liability. How much gain will you get from an unfeathered blade with the wind from behind? How much resistance you are getting from a non-smooth plastic hull with dimples in it? Is it faster to brace very quickly on either side with an unfeathered paddle? Logically it would seem so. The final consideration is continual wrist rotation. This can cause problems for some paddlers and they have removed the feather from their paddles.

Once these factors are considered it becomes questionable as to just how much advantage is gained from feathering. The saving from feathering, if any, for the touring sea kayaker must be very small. This means there is no reason to feather a sea kayak paddle unless the paddler finds it more natural. There are some who do though far more have greatly reduced their feather angle to such an extent that it isn’t actually any advantage as far as windage goes.




KASK's aims are to:

1. Promote and encourage the sport of sea kayaking
2. Promote safety standards
3. Develop techniques and equipment
4. Deal with issues of coastal access and protection
5. Organise sea kayak forums around the country
6. Publish the Sea Canoeist Newsletter and the KASK Handbook