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Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers (KASK)

KASK was established in 1992 as a national association for sea kayaking in New Zealand. An incorporated society, it is run by a national committee which is elected annually.

KASK is supported by 16 regional sea kayak networks and clubs which organise trips and provide services at a local level. KASK maintains close liaison with allied organisations such as –

Water Safety NZ (WSNZ)

Maritime New Zealand

New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association (NZOIA)


 KASK’s aims are to:

1. Promote and encourage the sport of sea kayaking
2. Promote safety standards
3. Develop techniques and equipment
4. Deal with issues of coastal access and protection
5. Organise sea kayak forums around the country
6. Publish the New Zealand Sea Kayaker magazine and the KASK Handbook


Where to start

If you are new to kayaking, a good place to start is the –

Safety page.

Especially the section –

ABC of Safety & Rescues

And also the way to do it –

Rescues – how to.


 Kayak Discussion Forums

Kayak (Fishing) Discussion Forum. This includes – General, Trip Reports, Rigging, Do-It-Yourself, Safety, Electronics, Sit-in-Kayaks, Regional Forums, and much more. Though with a fishing emphasis, this is the only technical kayak discussion forum for New Zealand kayakers.


 Useful Links